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学生们需要课外活动-Students Need Extracurricular Activities,
更新时间:2024-04-28 01:06:20

学生们需要课外活动-Studnts Nd xtracurricular Activitis,学生们需要课外活动-Studnts Nd xtracurricular Activitis Studnts nd nough sports and activitis to do physical xrciss and rlax, but in som schools thy ar not givn nough tim to do outsid activitis. It's harmful for studnts' growth. Tachrs ask studnts to spnd most of thir tim on studis. But whn thy fl tird and bord, studnts can't concntrat on studis. Thy ar in bad halth.

学生们需要课外活动-Students Need Extracurricular Activities,

It's ncssary to giv studnts nough tim to do outsid activitis. Aftr good rlaxation and rst, studns will work hardr.

Pay attntion to studnts' halth and growth. 学生们需要足够的运动和活动来锻炼和放松,但是一些学校没有给予学生足够的时间从事课外活动,这对学生成长是有害的。老师为了让学生得高分,要求他们把大部分的时间放在功课上。但是当学生疲惫厌烦时,就不能集中精力学习。他们的身体也不好。


请关注学生的健康和成长。 Studnts nd nough sports and activitis to do physical xrciss and rlax. But in som schools thy ar not givn nough tim to do outsid activitis. It is harmful for studnts' growth. In fact, tachrs should know how to attract th studnts' attntion. It is ncssary to do outsid activitis. Whn studnts fl tird and bord, thy can't concntrat on studis. Som studnts ar unhalthy bcaus of littl activitis.

Plas pay attntion to th halthy growth of th youngr gnration. 学生们需要足够的运动来锻炼和放松。但在一些学校学生没有足够的时间从事课外活动,这对学生的成长是有害的。事实上老师应该知道怎样使学生专心上课。从事课外活动是很有必要的。当学生们累了,烦了,他们就不能集中精力学习。一些学生的身体不好,是因为锻炼少。

请关心年轻一代的健康成长。 学生们需要课外活动-Studnts Nd xtracurricular Activitis

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